Friday, December 02, 2005

The Friday night trash

Tom Delay's reapportionment plan that brought an additional 5 Republicans to the already burgeoning House Republican majority in 2004 was rejected by Justice Dept. lawyers, who were then overruled by senior officials. blogger Max Blumenthal reports on the meeting between U.N. Ambassador John Bolton and evengelical Christian conservative James Dobson of Focus on the Family. Seems Dobson approves of Bolton's initiative to limit condom distribution worldwide in favor of abstinence. Now that's going to fix the African AIDS crisis.

I know the 9/11 Commission is not a legitimate judge of what kind of a job the nation is doing in getting ready for future terrorist attacks, but, hey, they're only the top experts in the country. It's not like Bush chose them!

Senate Intelligence Committee is stonewalling again on prewar intelligence Phase II report. Harry Reid had better go after them again.

The heads of the big five oil companies have called a halt to their lies in front of Congress -- a federal crime -- by clarifying that they, uh, half-lied! Cool.


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