Thursday, December 15, 2005

Can Feingold be the McCain of the Patriot Act?

McCain is a hero again. I guess that stuff runs deep.

Could Russ Feingold end up being the McCain, if you will, of the Patriot Act reauthorization? Those of us who have followed this for years certainly hope so.

Sen. Feingold has been holding court over at Josh Marshall's TPM Cafe. Good stuff. Thanks, Josh and Sen. Feingold. Keep it up as long as it takes.

I don't support any of the Patriot Act, which was invented in a heated rush too close to 9/11. Still, if the most abusive aspects, such as sneek-and-peek searches with long windows without informing the victims, are removed, then at least we can feel good about it.

As Sen. Feingold says, this is not a partisan issue, it's a constitutional issue. We deserve the rights that our Constitution provide. Maybe more, and certainly not less.

Late Update: Feingold may have the numbers. Thank you, thank you.


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