Wednesday, December 14, 2005

The New Normal is being beaten down all over the place

Should the New Normal include Ford excluding gays from their customer base? No. And it turns out enough of us emailed them to convince them it's bad business.

Good. Email them here to encourage their change of heart.

Now, this late news in: The House of Representatives, not known for its swerving away from the Bushling agenda, has just approved a non-binding resolution supporting the adoption of Senator John McCain's anti-torture admendment.

The worm is turning. Can you say "'06?"

The non-cynical side of me wants to say people are coming to their senses and saying, and doing, the right thing.


At 7:31 PM, Anonymous said...

The latest letter from Joe Laymon at Ford was direct and unambiguous. The most important statement was this: "Our record on tolerance and inclusion speaks for itself and I am proud to be judged on that record at any time."

I think it's important to remember that charity is charity, and advertising is advertising. When you pressure a company to place paid ads in a place that do not generate revenue, you are asking for charity, not engaging in a business relationship.

Ford is engaging the Gay community on both levels, and deserves our respect and our gratitude.


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