Sunday, December 04, 2005

Way-Cool Country Round-up

Jonathan Alter points out buying propaganda makes us look bad. Duh.

The co-chairs of the bipartisan 9/11 Commission point out we're less safe now. Oh-oh.

Frank Rich points out, quite rightly we thinks, that reporters without close contacts at the WH are the ones who got the story right. Take that, Judy and Bob!

2004 election stolen? GAO may think so.

Condi goes to Europe to tell allies to back off on the CIA prison thing! Of course, in doing so she's sort of admitting it's true about the CIA prisons.

Now the U.N. says we violated the mandate it provided us in Iraq. Interesting notion: Bush did say the U.N. resolution gave us international cover to invade Iraq. It does not allow us to imprison 14,000 Iraqi citizens. What do we do now? Begin listening to the international community?


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