Monday, December 05, 2005

Stop the country, I wanna get off

I love my country. I grew up American, in America.

But this in not my country:

Focus on the Family is going to boycott Wells Fargo Bank because it supports gay rights.

The American Family Association has forced Ford Co. to withdraw ads in gay magazines and web sites.

The Pro-Life Action League and American Family Association launched the boycott against American Girls because they think its girls' self-esteem campaign smacks of lesbianism. God help us all.

The American Family Association and Focus on the Family had already ended a successful boycott against Proctor & Gamble for its advertisements on Queer Eye for the Straight Guy and Will and Grace.

I imagine I can keep finding this horrid behavior if I keep looking. In any event, I urge you to email all the companies and threaten a reverse boycott. I'm not having anything to do with a company that caves, even P&G, which is hard to avoid. And if you're wondering why I have so many apparently gay sites carrying this news, it just goes to show how few mainstream media sites have guts. Or respect for civil rights.

I'm appalled, and I'm straight.


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